World Hijab Day - Standing in Solidarity - News Blog - Montpelier High School


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World Hijab Day - Standing in Solidarity

Laiba Kauser shares some insights on this important day.  

Happy World Hijab Day! Approximately 800 million Muslim women across the globe take pride in wearing the hijab. World hijab day was created to promote the right of religious expression. The celebration invites all women, no matter what religion, to experience the Hijab for one day: February 1st. For myself and many others, the hijab holds a sense of comfort; like a hug from Allah (God). It's not just a piece of fabric we wear on our heads, but a symbol of our way of life. But why do we wear the hijab?


The main reason mentioned in the Quran is to identify ourselves as being Muslim. We would be recognised by others as part of our ummah (Muslim community). We are Muslim women; we are proud to be Muslim women, and we want to be recognised as Muslim women. The hijab is the symbol that allows this.

Muslim women wear the hijab for modesty: it acts like a veil which guards us from unwanted attention. This ‘veil’ fosters a feeling of safety in day-to-day life.

Commitment to our faith. The hijab is a visible symbol of our commitment to Islam and its maxims. It’s something that we choose to wear which shows this every day.

I interviewed some students at MHS to find out about their experiences wearing the hijab. The first student tried on the hijab in year 6, after being encouraged by her parents. She explained how she felt like ‘the best version of herself’, so she continued to wear it. Her favourite part of wearing the hijab is when she's recognised by other Muslims and greeted with ‘salaam’ (Islamic greeting). She feels confident wearing the hijab knowing she's part of a friendly community.

The hijab makes me feel free. In a world with pressure to conform to the ever-changing beauty standards, the hijab is something that will never change. No matter where you are or what you're doing, the hijab is always there. It doesn't restrict us. I’m a kickboxer. I wear my hijab to every training session and every competition. I may be the only hijabi at these places, but nothing stopped me from wearing it with pride. There are thousands of others like this around the world.  

Like two-time Australian featherweight champion; Tina Rahimi, the first Muslim female boxer to represent Australia at an Olympic Games and Commonwealth games. The 28 year old says she’s ‘proudly dedicated to her religion’ and will continue to be in her boxing career. She doesn’t let the idea of being ‘different’ stop her from achieving her goals. 


I encourage you to participate in World Hijab Day, to explore religious diversity and see how you feel being ‘different’. Stand in solidarity with muslim women, and be free from any labels or stereotypes.