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UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge
On Wednesday 29th January, 89 pupils across Years 9, 10 and 11 took place in the UK Mathematics Trust's . The challenge itself consists of 25 questions focusing on problem solving skills. Pupils across the world compete in these challenges and those with highest scores across the globe then compete in a further competitions called the Grey and Pink Kangaroos.
It's IMC competition day tomorrow. Good luck to everyone taking part - you've got this!
— UK Maths Trust (@UKMathsTrust)
We are very proud of all the pupils who took part in this competition, it was great to see so many pupils trying their best and working on some super tricky problems! We can't wait to see them apply these skills to their future maths studies as well.
If you would like to take on a mathematical puzzle yourself why not and attempt one of UKMT's Problem Of The Week challenges?
Problem of the Week 105!
— UK Maths Trust (@UKMathsTrust)
Please do not comment the solution so others can work it out too. Instead, like this post or comment a thumbs up if you think you have the correct answer!
The solution will be posted in the comments on Thursday afternoon.