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Personal Development Day - Tuesday 4 February
Our students were delighted to have a day off from their usual timetables to take part in a number of informative and enriching activities and workshops for this term’s personal development day.
A variety of organisations were welcomed in from Unifrog, Department for Work and Pensions, the Green Party, University of Bath, Integrate UK and Into Film to speak to Year 7, 8 and 9 students. Amongst the activities on offer were discussions around green careers and green skills, applying to university and careers in the creative and film industries. Our Year 8 students also enjoyed the chance to use the smoothie bike with the fantastic Aspens Catering Team. Joanna from The Be Project discussed drug awareness with our Year 9s and they also loved the dance sessions with Miss Macdonald. Year 10’s day focussed on relationship and sex education, with topics on offer such as routes to parenthood, menopause and sex and the media. They held some excellent discussions and approached these topics with a real maturity and openness.
Mrs Donovan, Careers Lead said “It was brilliant to be able to offer such a catalogue of different options to our students today. Many thanks to the organisations that took time to support us in delivering this key information.”
Ms Langham, PSHE Lead said “We recognise the importance of a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum and our students value opportunities to expand their horizions by learning, trying and talking about new things. Thank you to all the staff that helped deliver these key messages and pieces of information to our wonderful students.”